Directions to Sha Sha Resort
Sha Sha Resort on Rainy Lake
1664 Highway 11 East
International Falls, MN 56649
View Sha Sha Resort on Rainy Lake in a larger map
Falls International Airport
Flights in and out of Falls International Airport are operated by Delta Airlines. For flight schedules, arrivals and departures, and ticketing information, call 218-283-4630
Rental Car Information
Avis: 218-285-7799
National: 218-283-4626
Driving Directions from Falls International Airport to Sha Sha Resort:
- Go NORTH on CR-108
- CR-108 becomes 2ND AVE E / CR-24
- Turn LEFT onto US-53.
- Turn RIGHT onto MN-11 / 4TH ST W. Continue to follow MN-11 to the end of the road.